First Things First

Sara Stockton 

This is our first full winter on the farm and it has been unpredictable at best. It was in the 40s 3 days ago. Yesterday we were pumping the seasonal pond out of the basement. Today the state police have asked everyone to stay off the roads unless it’s an emergency.

Everything is coated in a nice thick layer of ice.

I am itching to get outside and actually DO SOMETHING. What? I don’t know. There’s so much that needs to be done its overwhelming. We have quickly learned why most farms look they way they do – there’s never enough time, money, or manpower to do everything (and function always wins over form). Which means I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to come up with some reasonable but ambitious farm goals for the year ahead. Since the weather isn’t cooperating for outside work its time for me and the supervisor to sit down and do a seed inventory.

Nothing happens in this house without Harvey’s supervision.

I don’t have a seed hoarding problem. You have a seed deficit problem.

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First Things First

This is our first full winter on the farm and it has been unpredictable at best. It was in the 40s 3 days ago. Yesterday we were pumping the seasonal pond out of the basement. Today the state police have asked everyone to stay off the roads unless it’s an emergency. I am itching to […]

Sara Stockton 

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